Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I know that it has been a while since I last wrote. A lot has been going on since August. Both the girls and I started school in September. My first day of school was on my birthday. I am taking a Para educator course. I should be done with it and have my degree in about a year. I am having fun going back to school. The girls are doing great in school. Ashley is done with speech therapy and they are both doing a musical instrument. Ashley is in band playing the flute and Sam is in orchestra playing the viola. they are both having a great time with it. They also played volleyball this year. Ashley has improved so much from last year. She has been diving for the ball and you can always count on her to yell "mine" even if the ball isn't going to her. This was Sam's first year and I think she had a good time also. Next on our list is basketball which starts after Christmas break.

As you can see how cute the girls are in there Halloween costumes. Sam was a bat princess and Ashley was Sharpay from High School Musical. We had a great time going to a couple of trunk or treats until Ashley got sick in the parking lot. Memories.

There really isn't much going on with us. Alex still has a couple of more years until he can retire. He wants to make sure that I will be done with school first so I can take care of him while he goes back to school. I will try to keep things posted more often. Talk to you all later.

1 comment:

Diamond in the Rough said...

I was wondering when you'd post again :)!!! Love the Halloween costumes. Hope all is going well for you guys :)!!