Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I know that it has been a long time since I last wrote. We have had a lot going on and I just kept forgetting to write. The girls a through with sports until fall. On their last soccer game we had all four seasons that day. Rain, sun, wind and even snow. Yes snow in April. It was crazy. They wanted to play baseball but I said no. I really wanted my Saturdays back.

School's out for the girls and for me to. I love having a job where I get summer vacation too. We did get a new addition to our family. A little kitten. His name is Max and he is Sam's cat. I think that Alex is glad to have another male in the house. He is a really good cat. Princess likes him to. They play together really well. I was surprised how gentle the dog can be with the cat.

As you can all see in the pictures I cut my hair. I cut at least 10in off. It felt so weird having short hair again. I didn't tell anyone that I was cutting it so I shocked a lot of people at work and at church. The bad thing about it is now i have to do my hair I just can't pull it up anymore.

I have some other good news. I received a new calling a couple of weeks ago. I am the 2nd counseler in the Relief Society at church. That means that I am in charge of Enrichment nights. I am really excited about it. It was funny because i had a dream that I was getting a new calling but didn't know what it was. Then I was talking to the old relief society president about it and i joking said that if I could choose a calling I would want to do enrichment. The bishop asked to talk to me a week later and said that i was called to be in the relief society presidency over the enrichment program. Who says dreams don't come true.

Well everyone here is doing well. We have some visitors coming this summer so we are excited about that. I hope that everyone is doing well and we will talk to you all later.

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