Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Hello everybodeeeee

ashley had her first band concert last month. she was able to have someone sit by her during the concert. i was in class that night so sam sat next to her so alex could take pictures. i did get to suprise her by showing up to the concert because i had gotten out of class early. she was so excited to see me and i was glad that i didn't miss out on her first concert.

other than that not much is going on. we did find out that alex will be deploying this year. we don't know when yet or where he is going. i will keep you all posted on it when we get the information. the girls and i will stay here in washington since i have to finish school. i will try to write again soon. it most likely won't be until soccer starts next month. talk to you all later.
the girls started basketball this year. they are having a great time with it. ashley is really aggressive on the court and sam is a little timid. totally oppisite of what you think they were. they have played three games so far. they won the first one but lost the last two. it doesn't really matter just as long as they are having fun.


lanes ranch said...

Ashley, Sarah is proud. You'll have to play a duet with her sometime. Good job on the basketball court too. Getcha head it the game!!! (from sarah)
Love you all,
Grandma Lane

Diamond in the Rough said...

So glad everyone is doing so well. How is school going for you?

Bringhurst Family said...

Hey girl your babies are all grown up!