Monday, July 25, 2011

Start of the Second Trimester

We had an ultra sound done a week or so ago to see how the baby was growing. It was great to be able to see the baby so soon. Alex and I got to share this wonderful experience with the girls. Sam was doing her "I'm excited but don't want to show it" look. We did find out that this is a VERY active baby. The doctor had a hard time getting the heart beat because it was moving so much. Can't wait though to find out what it is so I can start planning the nursery.

I think what I have been enjoying most about this pregnancy is that I get to share it with the girls. Sam and I talk about the baby all the time. She likes to hear stories about when I was pregnant with her and her sister. I think out of the both of them and even Alex she is the most excited.

The girls are always asked what they would like to have a brother or a sister. Ashley says brother but Sam says sister. She says that so it won't jinx the baby. So I guess she is secretly hoping for a brother.

I can't believe how different this pregnancy has been. My pregnancy's with the girls were a breeze. I don't know if it is because it is a boy or if this is my last pregnancy but this kid is driving me crazy. Everything that I did not experience in the last pregnancy I am getting a double dose now. I finally got rid of the morning sickness and tiredness and now I can't seem to be able to brush my teeth with out getting sick. I still think I am about to go crazy and I think Alex does to. Sometimes I feel really bad for him and the girls.

In a couple of weeks school will start. Both girls are totally excited to start. I have never seen this from them before. It will be nice to have them in school and have some alone time before the baby comes.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

July Birthdays

This has been a mile stone month for the girls. Sam is offically out of primary. She in now in Young Women's and is enjoying it. I was able to go in and talk about her to the other Young Women kind of an introduction for her. I tried to embarrass her but didn't do a very good job.

We ended up going to the Georgia Aqurarium on Sam's birthday. It was the only time we could meet with everyone. We went with Alex's parents and his cousin with her husband. We all had a great time seeing all the different kinds of fish. We even had the opprotunity to pet stingrays and sharks. The girls loved the dolphin show alot. To me it was kinda cheesey because of the singing. I really wasn't expecting to see a dolphin musical.

Later on that day we went out to dinner and gave Sam her present from Alex and I. It was great to see the look on her face when she opened up her Ipod touch. This is the only thing she got but she was totally surprised we got her something she wanted. Ususally this is a "No" present.

We didn't do as much on Ashley's birthday. Mostly because I was feeling not so good. She was excited about what she was going to be getting since Sam got the Ipod so she went to bed way early the night before. Because of that she woke me up at 6:30 am so she could open her present. I told her to go back to bed and leave me alone. After a while we all got up and let her open her present. It to was an Ipod touch. Since she turned 13 (i know it is scary to have a teenager now) she is able to have a facebook page. We had to teach her some things about posting online. She did get a little crazy the first day. Later on that day we all went out for BBQ and then I took the girls to see a movie that Ashley wanted to see. All in all I say they both had a good birthday.

Baby Update:

Well I am now 11 1/2 weeks. I have my first OB appointment this week. They will be doing a ultrasound to see how far along I am and to see if there is more than one. I know this sounds crazy but both Alex and I want twins. We have been disussing girl names but can't agree on any. We already know what the name is if it is a boy. I hope that Alex will let me go to a place to find out what it is in a couple of weeks. He doesn't want me to pay for some thing the Army will do for free but I don't want to have to wait that long.

I will try to keep this updated as much as I can.