We had an ultra sound done a week or so ago to see how the baby was growing. It was great to be able to see the baby so soon. Alex and I got to share this wonderful experience with the girls. Sam was doing her "I'm excited but don't want to show it" look. We did find out that this is a VERY active baby. The doctor had a hard time getting the heart beat because it was moving so much. Can't wait though to find out what it is so I can start planning the nursery.
I think what I have been enjoying most about this pregnancy is that I get to share it with the girls. Sam and I talk about the baby all the time. She likes to hear stories about when I was pregnant with her and her sister. I think out of the both of them and even Alex she is the most excited.
The girls are always asked what they would like to have a brother or a sister. Ashley says brother but Sam says sister. She says that so it won't jinx the baby. So I guess she is secretly hoping for a brother.
I can't believe how different this pregnancy has been. My pregnancy's with the girls were a breeze. I don't know if it is because it is a boy or if this is my last pregnancy but this kid is driving me crazy. Everything that I did not experience in the last pregnancy I am getting a double dose now. I finally got rid of the morning sickness and tiredness and now I can't seem to be able to brush my teeth with out getting sick. I still think I am about to go crazy and I think Alex does to. Sometimes I feel really bad for him and the girls.
In a couple of weeks school will start. Both girls are totally excited to start. I have never seen this from them before. It will be nice to have them in school and have some alone time before the baby comes.